The moral of the story, so to speak, is to never assume the skunk has vacated its nesting area and proceed to fill up the burrow hole yourself.
If you’re lucky, the skunk will burrow its way out. If you fill the hole well, the skunk will be trapped and die, causing a a smell that can last longer than you might think.
Our Skunk Removal Brampton company is a local company that can humanely help you with your skunk problem.
How to Get Rid of Skunks Smell
Everybody knows how a skunk smells – now imagine having a dead skunk. In the urban areas of Brampton, few things can be more unpleasant than being faced with the misfortune of having dead skunk odour under your deck.
On top of the creepy feeling of having a dead animal nearby, the resulting foul odour can present itself as a health hazard. It could be smelling awful for up to three weeks, and its intensity is often likened to that of rotten eggs and burnt rubber – a scent which could make even the most resilient stomachs churn.
Understanding why the skunk odour lingers for so long and how to get rid of it can help mitigate the problem and ensure that you don’t have to deal with such a stinky situation for wildlife removal ever again. One thing’s for sure – you’ll need more than scented candles to eliminate skunk smells.
What causes a dead skunk smell to be so much worse than other animals?
Have you ever experienced the putrid odor of a dead skunk under your deck? It’s a scent that can clear your backyard in seconds. But what exactly causes this horrible smell?
It’s all thanks to the scent sac located near the animal’s rectum. When a skunk dies, the sac ruptures and releases a combination of sulphur compounds and a variety of gases that create a persistent and overwhelming stench.
This warns other critters to avoid the affected area and the carcass. Unfortunately, the smell can linger in the air for days or weeks, making it a very unpleasant experience for humans. In most cases, a wildlife control company can accomplish a skunk removal of the carcass.
Why is it important to get rid of skunk smell?
Anyone on a highway who has ever driven past a roadkill skunk knows how awful the smell can be. Now, imagine this smell right outside your house? The distinctive, overpowering odor of a dead skunk is enough to crinkle your nose and clear a room, but the stench is more than just obnoxious, it can be dangerous too.
It’s a health hazard for some, and running fans inside will not get rid of the skunk smell odors. The smell alone can trigger headaches and nausea, but it can also cause respiratory problems, particularly for individuals with asthma or other lung issues. Aside from the odor’s effects on human health, leaving a dead skunk to rot is a messy business that can lead to a host of other problems.
The carcass can attract unwanted scavengers, and the decomposition process can seep into the ground, poisoning nearby plants and animals. So if you’re ever unlucky enough to come across a dead skunk, get rid of the smell quickly – for your health, your family’s, and your pet too.
How can I get the Skunk Smell out of my Clothes?
Getting rid of the skunk spray on your clothes can be a tricky task, but it’s not impossible. Laundry detergent is a good starting point, but if the smell has staying power, you might want to try steam cleaning.
Remember to avoid machine drying your clothes because if the smell persists, the dryer’s hot air can only worsen it. Instead, ventilate the clothes, preferably outside in fresh air.
If you’re still struggling, try washing them again with vinegar (preferably white vinegar) or baking soda before repeating the process. With a little patience and persistence, your clothes will be skunk odor-free in no time! And remember – drying them outside is crucial. What if you have the skunk smell on your skin?
You can try a baking soda bath. Mix 4 cups of baking soda into a running bath and soak for 15 minutes. Be sure the baking soda has fully dissolved first though.
What do I do if my Pet is Sprayed by a Skunk?
It’s a familiar summer scene – we let our animals, our beloved pets, out for a late night pee and suddenly we’re hit with a noxious smell. Our dog or cat has just been sprayed by a skunk.
First off, check that your pet hasn’t been injured, as skunks are common carriers of rabies. If everything’s ok, health wise, you can move on to the problem of the skunk spray. While this might seem daunting at first, there are a few quick steps you can take to mitigate the damage.
You can start by trying a wash of tomato juice, sometimes that will cut a great deal of the skunk smell, making sure to wash their entire body. . If the tomato juice isn’t enough, wash your pet with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, grease cutting dish detergent (works better than regular detergent), and water.
If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide in your home, it’s available at most pharmacies. While some folks might prefer the tomato juice, this can be a bit messy and less effective than the baking soda option. Avoid getting the solution in your pet’s eyes, as this can cause temporary blindness.
Rinse thoroughly, and make sure to do this outside if possible. Let your pet air dry. Your pet might still smell a bit, but they’ll return to their adorable self in some time.
The Skunk is Gone but My Property Still Smells
One of the most common ways skunks have to protect themselves is their powerful spray, it really is their only defense mechanism. Their spray can linger for days and it’s not easily removed. If you’ve had a recent encounter with a skunk, you’ll likely have a hard time getting rid of the smell.
Even after the skunk has left, the stench can remain in the fibres of your clothing, furniture, and HVAC system. The best thing you can do is replace or clean your air filters and open all your windows to allow for proper ventilation. Running fans inside helps disperse the staying power of the spray.
Using air purifiers in the affected rooms can also be helpful. If you want to remove the smell, try the “one drop” method. One drop of a scent like peppermint, vinegar, lavender, or eucalyptus can overpower the skunk smell and freshen up your space.
Check any hard surfaces outside that you detect have the skunk spray scent and wash down the affected area with one part bleach and nine parts hot water.
Easy and Safe Methods for How to get rid of Skunk Smell
Finding a dead skunk under your deck can be a smelly nightmare, but fear not, there are easy and safe methods, and professionals in wildlife removal, to get rid of that potent odor quickly.
In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind why skunk odor is so difficult to remove and discuss simple solutions on how to get rid of skunk stench that won’t put you or your family at risk.
You don’t need to turn your house into a lab with complicated formulas or pay for expensive professional cleaning services. With the following tips, you’ll be able to eliminate the smell of skunk spray and enjoy fresh air in no time.
Method 1: Natural Remedies
If you’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with a dead skunk smell under your deck, you know how overwhelming and persistent the odor can be. While many people turn to harsh chemicals and other strong solutions to combat the stench, these options can be damaging to the environment and potentially harmful to you and your pets.
Luckily, plenty of safe and effective natural remedies can help eliminate even the most stubborn skunk odours. Whether you opt for coffee grounds, grease-cutting dish detergent, vinegar, or a solution of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, rest assured that these natural choices are not only safer but can also help prevent lingering odours in the long run. Here are a few options:
Baking soda and white vinegar solution
Baking soda and white vinegar are two ingredients commonly found in household kitchens that can be combined to create a paste. This paste can then be applied directly to the affected area and left to sit for a few hours before being rinsed.
These ingredients are known for their odour-neutralizing properties and can act quickly to eliminate any unwanted smells. With the help of these easy and safe methods, you can finally say goodbye to that pungent skunk’s odour once and for all.
Activated charcoal
There’s nothing quite like the smell of a dead skunk, and unfortunately, it’s not an odor that fades quickly. If you’re dealing with lingering skunk smell, you might be at a loss for what to do next.
One popular solution is using activated charcoal, which can absorb the odors and help neutralize the smell. You can place bowls of the charcoal around or under the affected area of the deck for a few days.
With this method, you might be able to breathe easily and say goodbye to the skunk smell in no time. No more skunk problems.
Coffee grounds
Small bowls filled with used coffee grounds have proven to be an effective way to neutralize skunk odor. Simply leave the bowls out in the areas where the smell is strongest and let the coffee grounds do their work.
The natural oils in the coffee act as a deodorizer and can help eliminate even the most potent skunk smells. So, next time you find yourself in this smelly situation, don’t hesitate to try coffee grounds for those lingering odours.
Method 2: Odour Eliminators
A dead skunks smell under your deck can be one of the most unpleasant experiences you’ll ever have to deal with. The pungent odor can be overwhelming and linger for up to three weeks.
Thankfully, there are store-bought odor eliminators that can be specifically effective in neutralizing the scent of dead animal carcasses. These products are formulated with powerful ingredients that are designed to eliminate even the strongest of odors.
By using odor eliminators that are specifically designed to get rid of the skunk smell, you can finally say goodbye to the noxious scent that has been plaguing your home. Here are a few options:
Odour-eliminating sprays
If you’re dealing with a lingering odor that just won’t seem to go away, store bought odor eliminating sprays might be just the solution you need.
Sprayed from a convenient spray bottle, these sprays can effectively freshen up the air and reduce powerful smells caused by pets, cigarette smoke, or other sources.
But what about more extreme cases, like a skunk problem or worse – a rotting skunk carcass? In these situations, once the actual wildlife removal of the carcass has been done, it’s important to make sure you choose a spray with enough power to tackle the issue at hand.
While odour-eliminating sprays can’t completely erase the problem, they can provide temporary relief and help you breathe easily until the source of the odour has been addressed. Please be sure to look for sprays specifically designed to remove dead animal odours.
Odour-removing bags
Have you tried everything to get rid of a lingering skunk odor, but nothing seems to work? Consider the power of activated charcoal bags. This odor-absorbing material is commonly found in store bought odor-removing bags that can be placed under decks, in closets, or anywhere else where unwanted scents tend to lurk.
Whether it’s the remnants of a skunk carcass or a general musty scent, these bags work wonders to neutralize the smell. So, don’t let a nasty odour linger any longer – grab some odour-removing bags today and breathe easy! You can place the bag under your deck for several days to absorb the smell.
Odor-neutralizing granules
There’s nothing quite like the smell of a dead skunk in the summer heat. It seems to seep into everything and linger for days on end. But fear not, because there’s a solution that doesn’t involve holding your breath and sprinting inside your house.
Store-bought odour-neutralizing granules are a game changer when combating the stench of most animals, including those pesky skunks. Sprinkle the granules under your deck or wherever the odours emanate from, and let them work their magic.
Soon, the foul scent will be neutralized, allowing you to breathe easily again. No more holding your nose and avoiding the yard – these granules have covered you.
Bleach and Water
For removing the skunks spray from hard surfaces such as concrete, mix one part bleach and nine parts hot water. Do a small patch test first to ensure it doesn’t damage the surface.
Method 3: When to Call a Professional (if you need skunk removal and none of the above steps has helped)
Dealing with a dead skunk can be a stinky situation, but sometimes it’s not as simple as just buying a store-bought removal product and calling it a day. When deciding when to call a professional, it’s important to consider a few things.
If you don’t have experience in the removal process or aren’t comfortable extracting a smelly carcass, it’s best to leave it to the experts.
Additionally, acting quickly is crucial to eliminate the smell effectively. A wildlife or skunk removal service company has the expertise to remove the skunk properly, ensuring that the affected area is completely sanitized.
What to Expect from a Professional Odor Removal Service
Dealing with a dead skunk on your property can be a smelly and unpleasant situation, but fortunately, there are professional odor removing companies in the wildlife control industry that specialize in this type of clean-up.
These experts are skilled at locating the source of the odour, which can often be hidden under decks, concrete steps, or sheds. Plus, if it’s during baby season, they can check if a litter of young underneath may need assistance as the humane approach is always best. Once the carcass has been found, the removal process can begin, and the skunk smell can be neutralized.
While some people may assume that hiring a professional to remove a dead skunk is expensive, many companies offer affordable services that save you time and hassle. So, if you’re struggling with the stench of a dead skunk on your property, don’t hesitate to call professional wildlife control for help removing it.

Prevention Works Best For Skunk Control
Preventing Dead Skunk Smell Under Your Deck
Now that you’ve successfully removed the odors of a dead skunk under your deck, it’s important to take steps to prevent it from happening again. Here are a few tips:
How to prevent skunks from nesting under your deck
It’s always a bit jarring to catch a whiff of a skunk’s musky odor while relaxing on your deck or out in your yard. However, the real nightmare scenario is discovering the little stinkers have set up shop underneath your deck or shed!
Thankfully, there are a few preventative measures you can take to avoid this smelly situation. Start by having a reputable wildlife control company come and install their heavy-duty wire screening into the ground around the perimeter of the space underneath your deck or shed, effectively blocking the skunk’s potential entry points.
If you already have an entry hole, the wildlife control tech will set a one-way door to allow any existing furry friends to exit before sealing the hole permanently. And while skunks may not be your favourite wildlife neighbours, remember they’re natural insectivores and can help us; they eat insects that may harm your garden.
Ultimately, preventing skunks from invading your space is taking simple steps to protect your property and yourself. But if the worst happens, remember that wildlife removal experts in the Brampton area can help you deal with unwelcome visitors.
Tips for keeping skunks away from your property
Skunks are attracted to food sources, so make sure to keep your garbage cans securely closed and remove any fallen fruit or vegetables from your yard. You can also use motion-activated sprinklers or lights to deter skunks from entering your property.
You can regularly sweep up any dropped seed if you have a bird feeder. Lastly, leaving food outside for pets is a no-no. Place pet food bowls inside; don’t tempt other animals to visit your property.
Regular deck maintenance to prevent skunk infestations
If you’ve ever dealt with a skunk under your deck, you know how unpleasant of a situation it can be. To keep the critters out and prevent them from returning, it’s important to regularly inspect and maintain your deck. Keep an eye out for signs of digging or damage, and be sure to clean up any debris that could attract animals.
Additionally, sealing any cracks or gaps in your deck can provide extra protection against unwanted wildlife. If a skunk goes underneath, it’s essential to call in a wildlife control professional to remove the animal safely without causing harm.
And of course, remember the air drying inside your house – skunk spray can be pretty potent, so it’s important to air out any affected areas as much as possible. Even one little skunk spray landing on or near your lower air vents can permeate inside.
Being proactive about deck maintenance and wildlife control can help keep skunks (and other unwanted visitors) away for good. Tackling these steps can help prevent skunks from nesting under your deck.
In conclusion, wildlife control can be a challenging undertaking for any homeowner. If you’ve dealt with a dead skunk on your property, it’s important to have it removed safely and disposed of properly. But what if you’re also dealing with the lingering smell of skunk spray?
First and foremost, it’s essential to address the underlying issue that caused the skunk to take up residence in the first place so that it doesn’t return. Next, it’s essential to air out your house as much as possible to mitigate the odour.
Hot water and detergent can effectively clean the space for small, affected areas. However, if the smell has permeated a larger area, you may need to enlist the help of a professional. Taking the above steps will significantly diminish a skunk’s return.
Lastly, remember to keep pets away from the area and take necessary precautions to prevent other animals from being attracted to your property.
Condensed Tips
°acting quickly, have a skunk removal company take the carcass
°have meshing installed around your deck, shed, or garage to prevent recurrence
°skunk spray doesn’t just smell awful, it can also cause temporary blindness if sprayed in the eyes
°hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and grease cutting dish detergent if your pet is smelling awful, wash their entire body. Baking soda bath for you
°machine wash clothes with laundry detergent, in extreme cases steam cleaning – NO machine drying though – air drying is best
°do not leave food of any kind outside (no pet, no bird, no human)
°to help rid the smell inside the home, change your air filters and check your hvac system – even one drop of skunks spray landing near an exhaust or vent can permeate indoors, and leave your house smelling like rotten eggs. And what of scented candles? Sure, why not…if nothing else, they smell nice
°store bought odor-eliminators or vinegar and coffee grinds from your house – there are multiple ways to help put an end to the awful odors